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August 2001

Get the Most from Yourself

This is the twenty fifth article in a series from the book titled Get The MOST From Yourself, by Terry Kibiloski, copyright 1996.

The human system is similar to the personal computer system, with three major parts - the body (hardware), the mind (software), and the spirit, or soul, (user).

We are spirits having a human experience!

































To maintain the human system it's important to understand:

  • Body specialists (doctors) help maintain our human body.
  • Mind specialists (psychologists) help maintain our human mind.
  • Spirit, or soul, specialists (priests, ministers, rabbis, etc.) teach us how to effectively use our body and mind. The ideal teacher is the Creator of our body and mind.

If you can understand the similarity between the computer system and the human system, you are on your way to getting the MOST from yourself. Let's now look at some important principles.

  • As the computer operator uses the hardware and software to have a computing experience, our spirit uses the body and mind to have a human experience
  • Our overall health depends upon a harmonious relationship between our body, mind and spirit
  • Our human system seeks harmony and ease, not dis-ease
  • Harmony is the glue that holds everything together in our universe.
  • Our overall success depends upon the harmony (love) we have with other human beings.

Over the last few months, we wrapped up this course of instruction by reviewing the key points we looked at earlier in this series, plus we gave you a few new ones. We ended up showing how the "Golden Rule" is taught by all major religions and is essential to our well being. It is so important to do unto others as you would have them do unto you to achieve harmony in your life.

If you have been with us from the beginning, it is now time for you to become the teacher. The best teacher is one who leads by example. Think back to the most influential people in your life and you will find they influenced you more by example than by words.

    To help you become the teacher, and since you may have some of the same questions as others have had at my seminars, I have listed a couple of them here to help you on your journey

Q. How can a person change their negative thinking about specific people or events into positive thoughts and attitudes.

A. Associate the person or event with something happy or pleasurable.

For example, a 10-year-old boy went to the circus with his parents who cared little for the circus. The evening was filled with negative comments about the circus and very little fun for the young man. After the circus, the boy told his parents "I'm never going to the circus again. It was terrible."

The next day, the boy told his grandfather about his circus ordeal. Grandpa told the boy he had a special treat for him today and would take him to a magical place. As they rode the bus (to the circus), grandpa told his grandson how he met the circus at the edge of town when he was a young boy, and how he would help them set up to get a free ticket to the performances. He talked about the wonderful animal acts, the clowns, and the happy circus music. By the time they arrived at the circus, the young boy could hardly wait to get inside. He forgot the negative experience with his parents. Just like grandpa said, there was magic in the air, and a smile on everyone's face. After the circus, the young man begged his grandpa to take him again the next day.

Grandpa helped his grandson create positive images about the circus by stressing the happy things at the circus. By the time they arrived at the circus, the young boy knew it was going to be a great experience. Grandpa planted positive images in the boy's mind and the boy simply acted upon those images.

Our mind is very much like the small boy in our story. If our mind is told positive things about a person or event, it will eagerly act upon them.

Sometimes it takes repetitive "self talk" to train our mind to replace some of its negative notions. So, it's important to make positive "self talk" a habit.

Let's say you want to lose weight. Concentrate on the positive. "Exercise and careful eating will get me healthy and trim for the summer." "I love tennis. I'm going to play every day." "Fresh fruit and veggies give me more energy and make me feel great." Soon, you will be exercising and eating right because you want to, not because of a silly diet. Once your mind associates health with happiness, you will crave healthy foods and want nothing to do with fatty foods that make you feel tired and sluggish and out of shape.

Start YOUR positive "self talk" today. You have nothing to lose and EVERYTHING to gain.

Q. How do you deal with people who disagree with you, especially those who are close to you?

A. I find the best way to deal with people who disagree with me is to expect it rather than be surprised by it.

Abraham Lincoln tried to help us understand we can't please all the people all the time. In fact, the people who love you most may disagree with you most of the time. Expect this to happen, don't be surprised by it. We all have the tendency to want everyone to be like us. When they aren't like us, we tend to get uncomfortable and verbalize our disagreement with their behavior. Wayne Dyer said it best when he defined anger as really saying in our own mind, "If only you were more like me, I wouldn't have to be so angry with you."

The fact is, we all have to be different from each other. Each one of us is a unique individual possessing specific talents and life experience that is unique to us. We cannot be exactly like everyone we meet, thus there will always be people who disagree with us. The old saying, "Be true to yourself," works well here. Be true to your own values and opinions. Let people know who you really are and for what you stand. Then let the cards fall where they may. You will be much happier for marching to your own drummer, and those who truly love you will ultimately respect you for your convictions. I'm not saying they will agree with you, but they will have no doubt about you being your own person.

Above all, treat everyone with love and kindness as you follow your own path. The impact you have on yourself and those around you will be truly rewarding.

More next month.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This file is protected by copyright laws. It may not be copied or reproduced in any way without the expressed permission from the author, Terry Kibiloski. Readers who purchase a copy of this file from Computer Times, may make a printed copy for their personal use only.


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