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Computer Times
November 2009

Editors' Choice Game

Mini Ninjas

Reviewed by Angie Kibiloski

Mini Ninjas (Retail $29.99 for PC version) is a really fun action adventure title from Warner Brothers Interactive Entertainment and Eidos, featuring the cutest little ninjas you’ll ever see. It is available for the PC, and across all console platforms. What is it about ninjas that makes them so cool? Is it their wicked fighting skills, their super stealthiness, or just their awesome black pjs? You can decide for yourself by playing this game. You play primarily as Hiro, the littlest of the ninjas, who must set out on a treacherous quest to defeat the evil Samurai Warlord at his Fortress of Doom. He must also recover his missing ninja brethren who have been sent on the same quest before him. You will also be able to play as his trusty companion, Futo, or other ninjas, Suzume, Shun, Tora, and Kunoichi, who will gather around him as the game progresses. You will have to use the ninja fighting skills of all of these characters, as well as special magical abilities that only Hiro possesses, to defeat the various foes throughout your journey. Help Hiro and his friends win the day and free their world from the threat of evil.


You will start the game by learning some basic ninja skills from your Master in the beautiful and peaceful Ninja Village. Once you have been trained, you can gather your friend Futo and be on your way out into the world. You will come into contact with enemies, minions of the Samurai Warlord, often several at a time. Hiro can use 2 weapons at once: his sword and one other secondary weapon, like a bomb. He will attack the enemy he is facing while blocking attacks from all others. Keep an eye on his Health Hearts and Ki energy. Health Hearts obviously show his health, while Ki energy is Hiro’s reserve of spell casting power. Each time he casts a spell this will decrease, and will take a little time to replenish. As well as the regular fighting skills, Hiro and the other ninjas have a special Power Attack, individual to each character. For instance, Hiro can slow down time and target up to 6 enemies with his Power Attack, while Futo can roll himself into a big ball and roll over his enemies. You gain the ability to use your Power Attack by gathering red Unstable Ki energy spheres. In between battles, as you wander around the world, you will find items that you can pick up, like plants, weapons or ammo, coins, and special collectible statues. The plants can be used to create potions from recipes that you purchase with coins at various temples you’ll visit. You will also discover hidden shrines where you can learn new magic spells. My favorite spell gives you the ability to inhabit the body of a nearby animal. One more type of very important things you will come across are the Check Point Altars. When you see one, walk over and touch it to save your game progress.


The world you will find yourself in is very beautiful, and the characters you will play as are so cute, that you will be easily drawn into the fun and whimsy of Mini Ninjas. You will find helpful hints along the way to keep you on your mission, so you won’t get too frustrated with not knowing what to do next. The battles you engage in are also not too terribly difficult, so you’ll find those to be enjoyable as well. This game will provide all ages with hours of fun of exploring the world, battling evil, and perfecting the art of being a cute little ninja. So treat yourself or a loved one to this title for a perfect holiday gift. After all, who doesn’t want to be a super cool ninja?


Wal-Mart.com USA, LLC Overstock.com, Inc. Tech Depot - An Office Depot Co. Holiday 2007


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