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Motivation Seminars and Articles

Seminar on CD (2-CD set) - Exclusive thru Computer Times

Over 2 hours of exciting audio that takes you on
a journey to help you get the MOST from yourself - $25.00 per set.

For further information, send an e-mail to or

click on the Buy Now button below to purchase this 2-CD set via

PayPal, MasterCard, Visa, Discover or American Express.

The slide show below will introduce you to the Get The MOST From Yourself seminar
Simply click on each slide to progress through the show.
-  At the end, to restart the show, simply right click on a slide and click on Play.

You can find more information about Get The MOST From Yourself training CD's, workshops and seminars at

A sister project of the Get The MOST From Yourself series is Finding Your Twin Spirit. You can find more about this newest project at

In previous issues of Computer Times, we printed a 25-month series from the book titled Get The MOST From Yourself, by Terry Kibiloski, copyright 1996. Links to each part of that series is listed below.

1 - Introduction to Getting The MOST From Yourself

2 - Explaining the Human System

3 - Determining the health of your human system

4 - The principles that affect the human system

5 - Five essential elements needed for good health

6 - How to have a healthy mind

7 - How to have a healthy spirit

8 - Connecting the body, mind and spirit

9 - Summary of the key principle of Getting The MOST From Yourself

10 - Making positive changes to your body

11 - Creating a healthy mind

12 - Creating a healthy spirit (part 1)

13 - Creating a healthy spirit (part 2)

14 - Creating a healthy spirit (part 3)

15 - Time and the power of positive thinking

16 - Summary of key principles

17 - Explain our Body, Mind, Spirit chart and show how harmony is the key to everything

18 - How personal harmony is critical to our success as human beings (part 1)

19 - How personal harmony is critical to our success as human beings (part 2)

20 - How your personal human system relates to the larger human system

21 - Review of the key points we looked at earlier in this series, plus a few new ones (part 1)

22 - Review of the key points we looked at earlier in this series, plus a few new ones (part 2)

23- The Golden Rule

24 - How to achieve complete harmony

25 - Negative thinking and people who disagree with you

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You can find more information about Get The MOST From Yourself training CD's, workshops and seminars at




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