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Great Web Sites

This is just a sample of the hundreds of interesting World Wide Web sites that are included in Computer Times.

PBS's Playground

A Web site built by PBS as a companion to its documentary series "The American Experience" offers an interesting tour of one of the country's most-famous playgrounds: Coney Island. Reflecting both extravagance and decay, the amusement empire is captured on the Web through a gallery of images and thorugh profiles of key individuals and events in Coney Island history. Web site visitors can also send virtual "Coney Island postcards" to friends and read about the history of roller coasters. A collection of vintage film clips on the site includes footage of Coney Island's roller coaster and its once-famous Steeplechase ride. World Wide Web:

 Finding Your Twin Spirit

Soul mates, or twin spirits, can be a big help on our life journey. Many people turn to personal connection places to help find their twin spirits. To find out more about twin spirits, what they are and how to find yours, visit the Twin Spirit Web site. World Wide Web:

Hoax Museum

Is there any limit to the ingenuity of the human drive to deceive? Apparently not, if the exhibits at this online Museum of Hoaxes are any indication. Here, hoaxes are categorized by date, rather than deed. In 2000 alone, there were quite a few innovative tricks pulled. One particularly amusing example was the 15th Annual New York City April Fool's Day Parade: A news release sent to the media stated that the parade was scheduled to begin at noon on 59th Street and would proceed down to Fifth Avenue. According to the release, floats in the parade would include a "Beat 'em, Bust 'em, Book 'em" float created by the New York, Los Angeles, and Seattle police departments. CNN and Fox affiliate WNYW reportedly sent television news crews to cover the parade, which of course, was not there. Among hoaxes of the past, there is the celebrated trip Marco Polo took to China, which now, apparently, historians believe never happened. World Wide Web:

A Research Site That's Safe For Kids

The Internet Public Library Youth Division is a site available to kids that collects information from many disciplines, but that is safe for kids ages 4 to 11 to dig into and use for school projects. The site's librarians follow a policy for including Internet resources and sites in the collection based on the level of appropriateness for kids and whether the material is written and maintained by authoritative sources. The resources do not have to be aimed specifically at children, according the site's policy page, but they "should be of interest and useful to these age groups or to their parents and teachers." The IPL Youth site is a full-on portal, with links grouped under categories such as "Reference," "Our World," "Math Whiz," etc. World Wide Web:


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