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Get the Most from Yourself

This is the first article in a series from the book titled Get The MOST From Yourself, by Terry Kibiloski, copyright 1996.

To help you determine if this book is right for you, I've answered some of the most common questions many people ask about a new self improvement book.

What can this book do for me?

It can help you get the MOST from yourself by showing you how to make each and every moment of your life the best it can possibly be, enabling you to have the ultimate human experience. If you have the desire to learn and, most importantly, a sincere desire to change, you can turn your life into a magnificent adventure, filled with experiences you never dreamed possible. You will learn how to fly like an eagle.

How is this book different from other self improvement books?

It does not focus on only one area of self improvement but brings together principles from all three areas: body, mind, and spirit. By standing on the shoulders of giants in each of the three areas, it takes you to new heights of self improvement.

What will I learn from this book?

You will learn:

- how your human system is made up of three distinct parts - body, mind, and spirit;

- how each part of your human system (body, mind and spirit) is affected by basic "common sense" principles;

- how these "common sense" principles can be used to make dramatic changes in your overall physical, mental, and spiritual health;

- how the body, mind, and spirit must work together as a team to achieve the ultimate human experience;

- how everything you need to be truly happy is already available to you, regardless of age, education, nationality, or social status;

- how you can take an active role to change your life into a magnificent adventure, enjoying a new vitality and zest for life you never dreamed possible;

- how your human system is part of a much larger system;

- how you can take an active role in the lives of others to help them achieve the same happiness and fulfillment you will experience.

What CAN'T this book do for me?

This book can't change your life without your help. It offers no magical incantation or instant formula for success. In fact, it may not tell you anything you have not already heard. Rather, it presents age-old principles in a new way that may help you understand them for the first time.

How do I know the material in this book works?

While it has been effectively used by thousands of people via seminars, audio cassette tapes, and a monthly article series that has been running for several years, the best evidence I can give you is my own experience. By using the principles in this book, I have changed my own life into one filled with a peace and happiness I never dreamed possible. I learned how to overcome anger, anxiety, and frustration and enjoy a very healthy life filled with energy and total fulfillment. If this is something you would like to create in your own life, then this book is for you!



1. What about you?

- 1A. Where are you today in your life journey?

- 1B. Where do you want to be?

- 1C. Is the student ready? (The teacher is ready to appear.)

2. What is the human system?

- 2A. What are the components of the human system? (BMS chart)

- 2B. What is the health of your human system?

- 2C. Summary

3. What principles affect the human system?

- 3A. What principles affect the body?

- 3B. What principles affect the mind?

- 3C. What principles affect the spirit?

- 3D. Summary

4. How can I apply these principles to make positive changes in my life?

- 4A. How can I have a healthy body?

- 4B. How can I have a healthy mind?

- 4C. How can I have a healthy spirit?

- 4D. Summary

5. How do I put it all together?

- 5A. How does the body, mind, and spirit work together as a team?

- 5B. How does my personal human system relate to the larger human system?

- 5C. Summary

6. Where do I go from here?

- 6A. How do I achieve total harmony?

- 6B. How do I bring harmony to those around me? (Give them a copy of this book.)

- 6C. How do I become the teacher?

- 6D. Q&A

7. How can I learn more?


As we travel on this journey of getting the MOST from yourself, you will find the formula for happiness and success is easy to understand. When you apply this formula in your life, the journey through that proverbial "jungle out there" can become a walk in the park. While life has its challenges, the path to follow to enjoy every moment of your life journey is really very clear. Let's begin with an analogy.

A novice hiker sets off on a journey through a rather dense forest. He carries with him a very detailed and elaborate map, given to him by a teacher who has never actually traveled through the forest but has taught people how to travel through this forest for many years. In the beginning, the hike is very enjoyable. The hiker enjoys the journey and stops to marvel at the beautiful flowers and butterflies. As the days pass, though, the hiker begins to get worried about finding his way through the forest. He checks and double checks each path on the map. He leaves signs of where he has been so he can return the same way he has traveled if he becomes too lost. He begins to carry extra items in case he needs them: berries he found along the path, extra fish he caught in the stream, and extra containers of water from a fresh spring. As his burden gets heavier, he becomes exhausted much quicker each day. His worries begin to increase. He worries about the weather, snakes, dangerous animals, and even insect bites. His worries begin to turn into doubts, and he is soon suffering from chronic stress symptoms like headache, intestinal problems, insomnia, etc. In a very short time, he regrets ever starting the hike through the woods. He becomes so discouraged he just sits on a log and begins to cry.

As he is crying, an experienced woodsman passes by and asks why the hiker is so upset. After hearing the hiker's worries and fears, the woodsman tells the hiker he has lived in the forest for many years, and has enjoyed every moment of every day. He quickly shows the hiker how to use survival skills to simplify his journey through the forest, and encourages the hiker to drop all of his unnecessary baggage to lighten his load and enjoy his journey. Most importantly, he encourages the hiker to get rid of the map he was given by his teacher. The woodsman explains that while the teacher's intentions may have been admirable, his limited knowledge of the forest, and the complexity of the map, are of little use to the hiker. Instead of following the complex map, which makes the journey through the forest a confusing experience in map reading rather than an enjoyable hike, the woodsman shows the hiker how to stay on course by using the signs of nature. He shows the hiker how to keep his journey simple and enjoyable, how to enjoy every moment of the journey along the way. He explains that while the journey may be physically challenging, as the hiker needs to climb mountains and swim streams, the path through the forest is very simple to follow with wonderful adventures and beautiful gifts of nature along the way.

As the hiker leaves the woodsman, he has a new confidence in himself. He again enjoys the journey and stops to marvel at the beautiful flowers and butterflies and all the other gifts of nature. As the days pass, he meets other hikers who need his help as he needed help from the woodsman. In making their journey easier, he finds his journey is even more enjoyable.

As we travel on this journey to get the MOST from yourself, you will pass from novice hiker to experienced woodsman. You will find that while the journey through life may be challenging, it is very simple to follow the path where you can enjoy every moment of the journey along the way. Most importantly, you will be able to help others in their journey.

Chapter 1

1. What about you?

If you were to describe yourself - from a distance - what would you say? We're not talking about physical appearance, but who you are on the inside - the real you! Are you filled with love, kindness, compassion, and other positive traits, or do you find yourself filled with negative traits like anxiety, anger, and despair. Do you like what you see? If not, who would you like to be?

** Write down a description of who you are inside - the real you! It may help you to view yourself from a distance. Ask yourself how your family, friends, and coworkers would describe you. Make a list of both your positive and negative traits. When you are finished, read over your description and ask yourself if someone could easily identify you at a party if they had this description. Label these thoughts "The Real Me!"

Throughout this book, you will find many suggestions like this to record your thoughts on paper. It works best if you use note cards (3 x 5 cards) and write down your thoughts immediately. If this is not practical, we suggest you write them down as soon as soon as possible since it is important to record your thoughts on paper as you progress through this book. This will help you in your current life journey, and will give you an indication of how far you've progressed when you look back from time to time at your earlier thoughts. Remember, this is more than a book of casual reading. This is a guide to help YOU get the MOST from yourself.

1a. Where are you today in your life journey?

Before you can say where you are in your life journey, you need to have an idea of where you are going. If you were to write your finished biography, what would the last chapter say?

** Take a few minutes and write the last chapter of your biography now. This should include a summary of your life and your accomplishments. Label these thoughts "My Biography - The Final Chapter!"

Read over the "final chapter" of your biography which you have just finished writing. Does it contain all of your hopes and dreams? Make corrections as needed. Once you are finished with it, and you feel it reflects where you want to be as you draw your last breath of air on this earth, ask yourself the question, "Where am I today on my life journey?"

Do you see why it is important to determine where you are going before you can say where you are today on your journey? Like any journey, it is important to know your desired destination before you can determine your current progress. Also, like any journey, don't be surprised if you change your destination from time to time. As you go around a bend in your life journey, you may discover a new challenge, or an interesting side trip that you never considered at an earlier time.

1b. Where do you want to be?

The question "Where do you want to be?" is not something you ask once and then forget. Rather it is a question that needs to be ongoing. Do not think of your life journey as a point-to-point trip that has to be completed in a specific period of time, with no variations in the originally planned route. Rather, think of your life journey as an adventure filled with interesting side trips that prepare you for your final destination. Learn to enjoy the journey by asking the question at the end of each day, "Where do I want to be?" This will help you plan interesting side trips for personal growth along the way.

As you think about where you want to be each day, it is important to consider each of these three areas.

* Is your body in optimum shape, or could you benefit from a better diet and exercise program?

* Is your mind free of negative programming, or do you have a few areas that could use some reprogramming?

* Is your spirit filled with forgiveness and unconditional love, or do you need to work on a deeper spiritual relationship with your Creator, and learn more about how love is the key to every success in life?

** Write down your thoughts for each of the questions above. Be as specific as possible as you describe the changes you would like to make in each area. Label the three areas of thoughts:

"Where I Want To Be - Body"

"Where I Want To Be - Mind"

"Where I Want To Be - Spirit."

Imagine that you have a magic wand and anything you wish for instantly becomes reality.

* What would your body and physical health be like?

* How old would you be if you could be any age?

* What type of knowledge and personality traits would you have?

* What would you be doing for a living?

* How would you spend your free time?

* Where would you live?

* What type of people would you surround yourself with?

* What type of successes would you have in your life?

* What do you feel would make you happy?

** Write down the answers to the above questions before you continue. Label these thoughts "My Desired Reality!"

Life is not a rehearsal! So, begin to get the MOST from yourself TODAY! Norman Vincent Peale taught us "Change your thoughts and you change your world." Begin now to focus your thoughts on the answers you gave to the questions above, then together we will make these thoughts become your reality.

1c. Is the student ready? (The teacher is ready to appear.)

To be ready as the student, you must have the desire to learn (which you demonstrated by reading this book), plus you must have the desire to change (the real key to getting the MOST from yourself). Without the desire to change, all the knowledge in the world will do little to change your life. You can know everything there is to know about flying like an eagle through life. You can attend every self-improvement seminar in your area, listen to every audio tape and read every book available. But, if you are not willing to change your thinking from bitterness and blame to love and forgiveness, you will never get the MOST from yourself. You will be like a person who reads every diet book, watches every fitness video, and buys every weight loss plan on the market, but is not willing to change the way they eat and exercise. To get the MOST from yourself, you need to be willing to change the way you think of yourself and other people.

It's important to realize the information we present in this book is nothing new. It has been around for centuries. Much of it is found in the ancient scriptures of many faiths and in the wisdom of great philosophers and religious leaders throughout the ages. Equally important is to realize it applies to all ages, in all walks of life, in every life situation. If you are a human being, these human system principles will work for you.

** Write down the following promise to yourself. "I promise to make those changes in my life that are necessary to get the MOST from myself." Label this statement "My Promise!"

Much more next month.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This file is protected by copyright laws. It may not be copied or reproduced in any way without the expressed permission from the author, Terry Kibiloski. Readers who purchase a copy of this file from Computer Times, may make a printed copy for their personal use only.


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