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Get the Most from Yourself
This is the seventeenth article in a series from
the book titled Get The MOST From Yourself, by Terry Kibiloski, copyright
The human system is similar to the personal
computer system, with three major parts - the body (hardware), the mind
(software), and the spirit, or soul, (user).
We are spirits having a human experience!
Hardware |
Software |
User |
Healing |
(physical) |
(mental) |
(spiritual) |
Prevention |
Rest |
Rest |
Meditation |
Magic |
Harmony |
Harmony/Love |
Love |
To maintain the human system it's important to
- Body specialists (doctors) help maintain
our human body.
- Mind specialists (psychologists) help
maintain our human mind.
- Spirit, or soul, specialists (priests,
ministers, rabbis, etc.) teach us how to effectively use our body and mind.
The ideal teacher is the Creator of our body and mind.
If you can understand the similarity between the
computer system and the human system, you are on your way to getting the MOST
from yourself. Let's now look at some important principles.
- As the computer operator uses the hardware
and software to have a computing experience, our spirit uses the body and
mind to have a human experience
- Our overall health depends upon a
harmonious relationship between our body, mind and spirit
- Our human system seeks harmony and ease,
not dis-ease
- We are spirits having a human experience.
Last month, we summarized many of the principles
we covered over the past several months. This month, we further explain our
Body, Mind, Spirit chart.
At the top of the chart are two arrows, each
pointing to the left. These represent the fact that our spirit controls our mind
and, in turn, our mind controls our body. Beneath the top labels of Body, Mind
and Spirit are the words Hardware, Software, and User to show the parallel
between a computer and ourselves. As a computer user uses the hardware and
software to have a computing experience, we (as spirits) use our body and mind
to have a human experience.
The next section of the chart is the "healing"
section. This shows the mode many people are in most of their lives. As their
internal ease turns to dis-ease, they go to doctors to help heal the physical;
psychotherapists, psychiatrists, psych..., to help heal the mental; and clergy
to help heal the spiritual.
As we begin to understand more about ourselves,
and decide to take control of our human experience, we progress to the
"prevention" section of our chart. We begin making healthy choices and provide
the steady supply of pure air, clean water, fresh food, exercise, and rest each
of our cells needs to stay healthy. Notice that our spirit does not require air,
water, and food, but it does require the spiritual equivalent of exercise and
rest, called prayer and meditation.
As we continue to progress in our life journey,
we realize that health is not enough, we need to use our health as our Creator
intended - to apply the real "magic" of the human experience. We soon discover
this magic is harmony and unconditional love
From the orbits of our planets to the fragile
balance between our body, mind and spirit, it is easy to see that
- Harmony is the glue that holds everything
together in our universe.
- Like any system, our human system is only
as strong as its weakest part. Our overall health depends upon a harmonious
relationship between our body, mind and spirit. Like any team, every member
must support the common goal.
Closely related to the harmony that must exist
between our body, mind and spirit, is the harmony (love) we need to have with
other human beings. Just as the success of each cell in our human system depends
upon its harmony with other cells, our success in the greater human system
depends upon our harmony with other people.
Remember, our spirit controls our mind and, in
turn, our mind controls our body. This interaction requires a healthy body, mind
and spirit for us to get the MOST from ourselves.
Much more next month.
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without the expressed permission from the author, Terry Kibiloski. Readers who
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for their personal use only.