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Get the Most from Yourself

 This is the fourteenth article in a series from the book titled Get The MOST From Yourself, by Terry Kibiloski, copyright 1996.

The human system is similar to the personal computer system, with three major parts - the body (hardware), the mind (software), and the spirit, or soul, (user).

We are spirits having a human experience!

































To maintain the human system it's important to understand:

  • Body specialists (doctors) help maintain our human body.
  • Mind specialists (psychologists) help maintain our human mind.
  • Spirit, or soul, specialists (priests, ministers, rabbis, etc.) teach us how to effectively use our body and mind. The ideal teacher is the Creator of our body and mind.

If you can understand the similarity between the computer system and the human system, you are on your way to getting the MOST from yourself. Let's now look at some important principles.

  • As the computer operator uses the hardware and software to have a computing experience, our spirit uses the body and mind to have a human experience
  • Our overall health depends upon a harmonious relationship between our body, mind and spirit
  • Our human system seeks harmony and ease, not dis-ease
  • We are spirits having a human experience.

    Last month, we focused on having a healthy spirit. This month, we continue that discussion.

We ended our discussion last month with the question:

What sort of legacy will you leave, forgotten treasures or enduring love and kindness?

When it's all been said and done, the legacy which lasts long after you are gone seems not to be your material possessions or generosity, but your love and kindness. We can see this clearly in social and religious leaders throughout history. The greatest contributions, those that have lasted beyond armies and governments, have been made through love and kindness.

Forgotten treasures are many times associated with those who are "striving," while love and kindness are more closely associated with those who are always "arriving." People involved in the journey called "Striving" are usually afflicted with a disease called "MORE." No matter how much they own, or how much they have achieved, they always want MORE. They never arrive. They never enjoy the present. Their entire life evolves around the future. "When I get this job...," "When I get my degree...," "When I pay off these bills...," "When I get my new car...," "When I save enough money..." The list goes on - forever! We see this disease of MORE take a terrible toll on people in all walks of life, resulting in everything from stress-related illnesses to suicides. It's not surprising. Striving leaves you in a constant state of struggling.

People involved in the journey called "Arriving" are successful every day of their lives. Success is not something they strive for in the future, it is something they bring to everything they do. They are aware of the future, and even plan for the future, but they LIVE in, and thoroughly enjoy, the present. They bring love and kindness to every situation. They enjoy who they are, what they do, and what they have, each and every day of their lives. These people are truly successful.

It is important to understand that success is not something you get from a job. Success is something you bring to a job. Take two baggers in a grocery store. One of the baggers complains throughout the day, bags the groceries in whichever order they come through the checkout counter, impatiently waits for quitting time, and views success as something to strive for in the future. The other bagger makes the best of the present situation, is friendly to the customers, bags the groceries to minimize damage to the fragile items, and works at being the best bagger in the store. There is not a cashier, or even two cashiers, he cannot keep up with. Every day is a challenge to do it faster and better, and to truly enjoy each moment. Which bagger would you hire to work for you? Which one do you think will be "successful" in future jobs?

As you can see, success is something internal, an attitude, a positive image. Success is "arriving" in the present, not "striving" for the future. Truly successful people don't chase after future rewards, they live in the present. The future automatically rewards successful people with the money, position, reputation, and all the other things the "striving" person is forever chasing.

This ability to live in the present, and bring success to everything you do, is available to each of us. Think back to one of those times you were totally involved in the present. It may have been listening to a concert, walking on the beach, developing a computer program, working on a jigsaw puzzle, or reading a book. You were so involved in the moment that you had no sense of time passing. Hours passed in what seemed like minutes. Your total involvement in the present seemed to transcend time and space. This is the state of "arriving," enjoying the present moment to its fullest.

Although your current job or position in life may not allow you to spend every waking hour doing everything you love, you can still love everything you do. You can become absorbed in the present moment and buy into the success that comes with "arriving," rather than chasing after the false success called "striving."

"Arrivers" tend to need less "things" in their lives, thus allowing them to spend more time enjoying life, rather than chasing more and more money to support a lavish life style. While arrivers generally do enjoy a lavish lifestyle, they don't need it to be happy. Arrivers have learned that having less is having more. You don't need to be rich to have everything you need, you can simply learn to need less. Many people in our seminars tell me their happiest times were the times when they were the poorest. It seems that when you have few possessions, you have the fewest worries, the fewest bills, and much more time on your hands to "smell the roses."

There is a saying, "if you have to tell everyone how important you are, you're probably not." This is another trait of "strivers." They feel compelled to always "prove" themselves. Yet, those who simply get the job done automatically gain the respect and esteem the strivers are always trying to achieve.

So, stop chasing rainbows. Enjoy the rain and the rainbows will come to you.

 Much more next month.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This file is protected by copyright laws. It may not be copied or reproduced in any way without the expressed permission from the author, Terry Kibiloski. Readers who purchase a copy of this file from Computer Times, may make a printed copy for their personal use only.


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