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Get the Most from Yourself

This is the fifteenth article in a series from the book titled Get The MOST From Yourself, by Terry Kibiloski, copyright 1996.

The human system is similar to the personal computer system, with three major parts - the body (hardware), the mind (software), and the spirit, or soul, (user).

 We are spirits having a human experience!

































To maintain the human system it's important to understand:

  • Body specialists (doctors) help maintain our human body.
  • Mind specialists (psychologists) help maintain our human mind.
  • Spirit, or soul, specialists (priests, ministers, rabbis, etc.) teach us how to effectively use our body and mind. The ideal teacher is the Creator of our body and mind.

If you can understand the similarity between the computer system and the human system, you are on your way to getting the MOST from yourself. Let's now look at some important principles.

  • As the computer operator uses the hardware and software to have a computing experience, our spirit uses the body and mind to have a human experience
  • Our overall health depends upon a harmonious relationship between our body, mind and spirit
  • Our human system seeks harmony and ease, not dis-ease
  • We are spirits having a human experience.

Last month, we focused on having a healthy spirit. We talked about strivers, arrivers, and the disease called "MORE." We also showed you how to bring success to everything you do. This month, we look at time and the power of positive thinking.

A popular topic of discussion at my mother's funeral was time. It seems that when we reflect on our mortality and the fact that tomorrow is promised to no one, we realize that time is a very precious commodity. For each 24-hour day, we each have the same amount of time to spend. We can't save it for later. We can't borrow more from a bank. As each second goes by, we must decide how to spend it, either foolishly or wisely. Time can never be regained. We can't go into rewind.

Here are a few tips to help you manage your precious time:

  • Keep a log for 30 days, tracking how each 1/4 hour (15 minute) block of time is spent. Then, carefully review your log to see how much time was wasted. Experts find the average office worker wastes 50-60% of every working day. If we could utilize 1/2 of our wasted time, we could still free up a couple of hours a day for exercising, relaxing, or simply shorter work days - with better productivity.
  • Geographically group your activities to save on travel time.
  • Take along required reading or paperwork to "time wasters" like meetings, appointments, or any place else you expect to wait.
  • Avoid interruptions. Screen calls with an answering machine and make call backs at slow periods.
  • Handle paperwork ONCE - trash it, file it, delegate it, or write a brief reply on the original, make a copy, and quickly return it.

Life is NOT a rehearsal. Enjoy each moment of every day.

Throughout the day, give yourself "pep talks" to recharge your spirit. Remember, the spirit controls the mind and, in turn, the mind controls the body. By keeping your spirit high, you can reach a level of happiness and fulfillment beyond your wildest dreams. It's simply a matter of applying the principle "you become what you think about all day long."

This is not some New Age magic incantation. You cannot simply think to make it so, you must also "become" what you think about. The two action words in this principle are "think" and "become." Webster defines "become" as to undergo change or development. That is what you must do to have your thoughts become reality. When a young person has their sites set on the olympics, they can't simply think about it to make it so, they must undergo change and develop themselves each and every day. Their thoughts, which are focused on the Olympics, inspire them to act.

If you feel you are too confused in your life to even begin to act yet, remember our orange analogy from chapter three. You can eliminate the "vinegar" (negative thoughts) in your life by injecting large doses of "orange juice" (positive thoughts).

Also, remember that achieving the massive doses of positive thinking that is so important to our success and happiness, requires a source of positive thoughts. Some find great help in the Christian Bible, others in great works of other religions, motivational tapes, positive poetry, movies, or spiritual meditation and prayer. You need to find a source of positive thoughts that works for you.

If your orange (mind) is filled with vinegar (negative thoughts), it may be time to inject large amounts of orange juice (positive thoughts) back into your orange. You will then begin to positively experience the principle "you become what you think about all day long." You're beginning a new adventure. Isn't this exciting?

Fill yourself with love and kindness, and SMILE!

Much more next month.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This file is protected by copyright laws. It may not be copied or reproduced in any way without the expressed permission from the author, Terry Kibiloski. Readers who purchase a copy of this file from Computer Times, may make a printed copy for their personal use only.


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