Get the Most from Yourself
This is the twenty fourth article in a series
from the book titled Get The MOST From Yourself, by Terry Kibiloski,
copyright 1996.
The human system is similar to the personal
computer system, with three major parts - the body (hardware), the mind
(software), and the spirit, or soul, (user).
We are spirits having a human experience!
Hardware |
Software |
User |
Healing |
(physical) |
(mental) |
(spiritual) |
Prevention |
Rest |
Rest |
Meditation |
Magic |
Harmony |
Harmony/Love |
Love |
To maintain the human system it's important to
- Body specialists (doctors) help maintain
our human body.
- Mind specialists (psychologists) help
maintain our human mind.
- Spirit, or soul, specialists (priests,
ministers, rabbis, etc.) teach us how to effectively use our body and mind.
The ideal teacher is the Creator of our body and mind.
If you can understand the similarity between the
computer system and the human system, you are on your way to getting the MOST
from yourself. Let's now look at some important principles.
- As the computer operator uses the hardware
and software to have a computing experience, our spirit uses the body and
mind to have a human experience
- Our overall health depends upon a
harmonious relationship between our body, mind and spirit
- Our human system seeks harmony and ease,
not dis-ease
- Harmony is the glue that holds everything
together in our universe.
- Our overall success depends upon the
harmony (love) we have with other human beings.
For the past few months, we reviewed the key
points we looked at earlier in this series, plus gave you a few new ones. We
ended up showing how the "Golden Rule" is taught by all major religions and is
essential to our well being. It is so important to do unto others as you would
have them do unto you. This will help you achieve harmony in your life.
To achieve complete harmony, you need to be
involved in HELPING PEOPLE and your motive must be LOVE and KINDNESS. When your
motive is love and kindness, you work harder, happier, healthier, and have a
pleasing effect on everyone around you. You bring success to everything you do.
Your coworkers and customers truly enjoy your company and love doing business
with you.
It is a medical fact that thought triggers
biological responses in our body. When we are upset, or have negative thoughts
(fear, anger, etc.) our stomach generates acid that can aggravate our digestive
system and eventually cause an ulcer. These negative thoughts can also trigger
biological reactions that weaken our system and make us more susceptible to
diseases like cancer and heart disease. When we live by the Golden Rule and
treat others with love and kindness, our positive thoughts trigger biological
reactions that strengthen our system and protect us from many diseases. Our body
is in a state of ease, not dis-ease.
So, smile and fill your life with love and
kindness. Your overall success and physical health depend on it.
Recent research in universal energy is proving
the Golden Rule affects everything around us. The harmony created by practicing
the Golden Rule has a positive impact on our relationships, our business, our
society, our world, and our health.
Now that you have completed this set of
instruction, it is time for you to become the teacher. The best teacher is one
who leads by example. Think back to the most influential people in your life and
you will find they influenced you more by example than by words.
So, smile and fill your life with love and
kindness. The impact you have on yourself and those around you will be truly
rewarding. It is now time to go forth and get the MOST from yourself.
More next month.
protected by copyright laws. It may not be copied or reproduced in any way
without the expressed permission from the author, Terry Kibiloski. Readers who
purchase a copy of this file from Computer Times, may make a printed copy
for their personal use only.