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Computer Times
May 2011

Editors' Choice DS Game


Review by Angie Kibiloski

If you’ve been anywhere near a toy store lately, or if you have a little girl around the age of 7 in your family, you’ve no doubt seen the trendy new toy called Squinkies.  These tiny, quarter sized toys are squishy rubber figures of animals and people, which come in round plastic bubbles, like what you would find in bubble gum machines.  Each of the Squinkies is different, and there are hundreds to collect, along with play sets and other accessories.  They really are extremely cute, and quite a lot of “squishy, squashy fun.”  Well, now you can expand your collection even further, with the new Nintendo DS game, Squinkies (Retail $29.99), brought to you from Activision and the makers of the Squinkies toys, Blip Toys.  Not only is this title an adorably fun video game, it also comes packaged with 4 ultra rare Squinkies!  There are 2 different sets of these unique Squinkies, which are only available inside the game box.  If you were a little girl, could you think of anything cooler than getting extra special Squinkies along with your game, that none of your friends are going to have?


When playing the video game, you get to be a Squinkies Princess, who is hunting for all of her Squinkies friends.  They are hiding inside their bubbles, all around the Land of the Squinkies.  Your special Squinkies detector will alert you to which of the 4 areas of the world your friends are hiding in: Farm, Beach, Park, or Bakery.  You must walk around the area, aiming for the bubbles shown on the map.  Hurry, because you’ll have a limited amount of time to locate all the Squinkies in that part of the world.  When you come across a Squinkies bubble, you’ll get to play a mini-game in order to unlock the bubble and free the Squinkies.  You won’t know which Squinkies you’ve found until you finish the mini-game.  The randomly chosen challenges include memory matching, picture coloring, a shuffle puzzle, a race to pick up pieces of food before some hungry turtles can get them, a marble hitting game, and a game to make chains of colored bubbles.  The challenges get slightly harder as you progress.  These mini games are also timed, and if you finish fast enough, you’ll be rewarded with a Magic Coin.  The Magic Coins are used back at your castle, in the Gum Ball Machine.  Each Magic Coin is good for getting 1 of the Squinkies out of the machine.  When you collect Squinkies, either in the mini-games or the machine, they will pop out of their bubble and gather in your Bubble Bank.  Here you can see your entire collection, and even choose some of your favorite Squinkies to live in a special Favorites section.  There are over 250 Squinkies to collect!  Plus, the fun doesn’t have to stop there.  Inside specially marked packages of Squinkies toys in the store, you can find unlock codes to enter into the DS game.  These codes will unlock even more unique and extra special Squinkies!


This Squinkies Nintendo DS game is a fantastic addition to the success of the toys.  I can’t imagine any little girl who loves to collect Squinkies not wanting to own this video game.  Not only is it incredibly cute, and full of innocent fun, the mini-games help to reinforce skills like memory, spatial awareness, quick thinking, and logic, making this a game that parents will have no problem letting their little girls play for hours.  With the 4 exclusive, ultra rare Squinkies included as an added bonus, how could you pass up this great product?  You can learn more about Squinkies, and have fun with some creative activities, at http://squinkies.com.

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